I've Been in a Fight - What Now?
Most people try to avoid violent confrontations whenever possible. However, there are times in which an individual is attacked without warning or is otherwise forced to defend him or herself from an assailant. If you have been in a fight, it is important to know what to do in the aftermath of such an event.
Call the Police
Calling the police may be an effective way to end a violent situation in a timely manner. In some cases, the assailant may flee or cease hostilities upon finding out that the authorities are on their way. If you are too hurt to call for help, have another person do it for you. When an officer arrives, be sure to file a report and have witnesses to the attack make statements on your behalf. The report and witness statements can be used as evidence in both civil and criminal cases.
Image credit: 93.1FM WIBC
Contact Your Insurance Company
After a fight, be sure to contact your health insurance company to let them know that you will be seeking medical treatment. If a fight results in property damage, call the appropriate insurance provider to file a claim. This may make it easier for the person who caused the damage to be held accountable for his or her actions.
Image credit: Madison Mutual Insurance Company
Go to the Hospital
If you have been seriously injured, it is important that you seek medical attention right away. This is especially true if you have experienced a blow to the head, as concussion symptoms can take days or weeks to materialize. Internal bleeding, muscle pain, and other symptoms may also take hours or days to present themselves. Seeing a doctor immediately can help mitigate the long-term impacts of these injuries. You may also need to see a dentist if you suspect dental injury such as a broken/missing tooth or even a loose filling.
Image credit: Complete Comfort Dental Fillings
Don't Admit Fault
The last thing that you want to do after a fight is to admit guilt. This could be used against you in a court of law, and it could increase the odds that you are found liable for damages incurred in the incident. Instead of admitting fault to the police, talk to an attorney about how to proceed. According to this attorney, there are cases when the use of force is justified, and your lawyer will know how to argue your case to your best advantage:
Image credit: Becoming a Lawyer
Ideally, you will take steps to avoid a violent altercation whenever possible. However, if you have been in a fight, look out for your own interests first. This means getting medical attention and not making a statement until you are able to find an attorney. Taking these steps may help you to obtain a positive outcome from a negative situation.